It is a well-known fact that weekends are the best thing invented since the wheel. The voices of screaming bills become distant and you can get your hands right into the cake without worrying where it'll go before Monday. Now, being self-employed is a whole different story, that would mess up even a perfectionists Tetris high-score, but then again, I would classify myself as an unorganized perfectionist with no talent in Tetris anyway! Therefor, weekends are my friends when it comes to the completion of my work, only difference from the weekday? I can do the whole thing in my pyjamas!
Now, this week I had an amazing getaway with Next, to a gorgeous island in South East England called Osea Island. A much needed breather from the rush of London, and a great chance to catch up with some of my good friends who are bloggers as well. You might have already been exposed to the craziness of our up-to's on the SnapChat (username: srhmikaela), and I apologise for any random babbling + accidental falling on my slippers action that may appear on there. Because of this little mid-week escape, I've been completely rested approaching my weekend work-load, and essentially this is how I hope you feel now approaching a new week. Who knows, you might have an out-of-this-world-amazing week ahead of you!